Open borders and invader-friendly policies cost Americans their lives in the most brutal endings. Such is the...
United States
Open borders leave children vulnerable to assault and abuse by invaders. In a recent case, an illegal...
The horrors of illegal alien invasion in America continue with the latest story of a Mexican serial...
The invasion of America by criminals from abroad continues with the latest case reported from Buffalo, New...
The shocking murder of a young American woman in Georgia turns out to be the crime of...
The rapist of the minor girl in Ohio who sought abortion has been revealed to be an...
A Sri Lankan doctoral student at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, has been arrested on...
The Biden administration has released a 9/11 Saudi Islamic terrorist back to Saudi Arabia under the excuse...
Update (January 16, 2022 – 18:39 pm): Daily Mail has published the picture of Malik Faisal Akram,...
An illegal migrant woman in New Mexico seriously injured her infant daughter by “aggressive handling” but a...