The rapist of the minor girl in Ohio who sought abortion has been revealed to be an...
A Sri Lankan doctoral student at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, has been arrested on...
The first cases of rape of migrant Ukrainians have appeared in the news, one case from Germany...
The Biden administration has released a 9/11 Saudi Islamic terrorist back to Saudi Arabia under the excuse...
Earlier this month, Pakistani immigrant “Lord” Nazir Ahmed was found guilty of rape and sexual abuse of...
Update (January 16, 2022 – 18:39 pm): Daily Mail has published the picture of Malik Faisal Akram,...
An illegal migrant woman in New Mexico seriously injured her infant daughter by “aggressive handling” but a...
British patriot, independent journalist, and free speech activist Tommy Robinson is set to release his new documentary...
Asher Abid Khan, a Pakistani migrant Muslim terrorist, was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for...
With rising Islamic terrorist threat and terror attacks on native French civilians, the French authorities have been...